A Voice In the Wilderness
by Dr. Loran W, Helm
All rights reservered    EVANGEL VOICE MISSIONS     Used by permission


  1.  Why Don't Men Obey God?
  2.  My Father
  3.  Narrow Escapes From Death
  4.  My Mother
  5.  My Father's Conversion
  6.  God First Speaks
  7.  Tithing Opens The Way
  8.  Childlike Faith
  9.  A Child's Prayer
10.  Parental Discipline
11.  Conversion
12.  First Obedience
13.  Jesus Reveals My Companion
14.  Sanctification
15.  Our First Pastorate
16.  "Come With Me, Son..."
17.  "...And Perfect Will Of God"
18.  Ordination
19.  Baptized With The Holy Spirit
20.  The Calling
21.  Spiritual Burdens
22.  Leaving All
23.  Waiting On God
24.  Home Built By Faith
25.  Warning From A Watchman
26.  The Beginning

          "So thou, oh son of man, I have set thee a watch man unto
              the house of Israel; therefore thou shalt hear the word at
              my mouth, and warn them from me...if thou dost not speak
              to warn the wicked from his way, that wicked man shall die
              in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at thine hand."
                                 --Ezekiel 33:7-8  
             I  feel constrained to cry out concerning one of the  issues 
        of the time.  In the last few years a style has gained increasing 
        popularity  which  encourages  girls and women  to  expose  their 
        bodies.   I believe that girls and women who expose their  bodies 
        from a little below their knee upward subject every normal man to 
        severe,  difficult temptation, the aftermath of which may  result 
        in  serious penalty at Judgment.  The Judgment, of course, is  in 
        the hands of God:  but being one of His servants, I feel that  it 
        is  wise  to  mention it gently and  rightly,  with  caution  and 
             In all the writings of leading ministers today--though  they 
        are  very  fine  men--I have never read one  warning  about  this 
        matter.   Yet, every man of God to whom I have shared my  concern 
        has affirmed that what I believe is true.  I am certain that  our 
        precious women would want to know the seriousness of the clothing 
        styles  which  they select, for any man who is truly  going  with 
        Jesus  today is undergoing more severe temptation in  this  world 
        than  any  woman could possibly comprehend.  I  know  that  every 
        handmaid  of  Jesus would desire to only help men of  God  rather 
        than place a stumbling block in their way.

Jesus has revealed to me another serious concern of this age, indicated by Paul's words to Timothy: "Charge them that are rich in this world, that they be not high-minded, nor trust in uncertain riches, but in the living God, who giveth us richly all things to enjoy; that they do good, that they be rich in good works, ready to distribute ...laying up in store for themselves a good foundation against the time to come, that they may lay hold on eternal life." (First Timothy 6:17-19) The Lord has laid it on my heart that I am to lift up my voice in love to all those of any wealth, for Jesus very plainly indicates that it will not be an easy assignment for the rich to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. He compared the rich man's assignment to persevere to Heaven like that of a rope (as I understand from certain Bible scholars) going through the eye of a needle. It is possible to work a rope through the eye of a needle by separating it first into strands, then dividing these strands into even finer fibers, but it takes much labor and determination. However, Jesus gives encouragement to those who can be classified as wealthy when He added, "...But with God all things are possible." We in the United States can easily conclude that Jesus was talking about millionaires and those with family fortunes when He said, "How hard it is for them that trust in riches to enter into the Kingdom of God!" (Mark 10:24) But when we consider the great poverty which grips numerous small nations and many of the islands of the sea, it is simple to see that if we have a roof over our head, carpet on the floor, and a car to drive, we are actually very wealthy individuals. I know that it is not popular to mention finances, but as God's servant I must lovingly warn all who have any amount of wealth or I will be responsible for their blood in Judgment. Jesus said that the rich have had their consolation. This has stirred my heart that I would not fail to warn every precious person that we must be certain to pray about where God wants us to place our finance, so that we won't be found wanting when we get to the Judgment.

The Lord has shown me that many people of considerable means--dear ones who have savings, stocks, bonds, or investments of one thousand dollars or more--tend to give to God's work in the proportion of the average wage-earner. Many have rested on the assumption that a tenth is all that God expects us to give of our means. But when I inquire of the Lord, He reveals some very serious facts about those having several thousand dollars in their control. I must urge every dear person to seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit about how his finance is to be invested in God's Kingdom. The more that I have, the greater proportion of my income God will want me to reinvest in the Kingdom. As I joyfully give it back to Him, He could increase the returns even more. Earnestly seeking God's will in the matter of giving is much more serious that I can tell you. I wish to make perfectly clear that I deeply respect and appreciate each person who has managed his earthly possessions well and has accumulated some wealth. Such individuals are greatly needed. In fact, it is possible that the abilities which permitted success in the area of finance are gifts from God to be used primarily in the vital areas of financing His Kingdom work. If we are not sensitive to the Holy Spirit, we'll not press on to discover what God wants us to do with our wealth. If we love God more than we love our possessions, we will be anxious to learn God's will and give gladly what He reveals. But if we love our possessions more than we love God, it will place a great bind on our soul to persevere to God's perfect will and share what He requires. I do not know how much Jesus will ask of each of you. But God has clearly witnessed that I must warn those who are rich that they not come up to Judgment and discover that they have kept too much for themselves and shared too little for God's work. (And when I tell you this, God says, "I lead thee by the Holy Ghost.") I want to be true and faithful to all people everywhere.

A PRAYERFUL REQUEST If I might make a humble request, I would like to encourage each of you who read this pilgrimage, if you are suffering from a particular sickness or affliction, to simply have faith for God to heal you. I am not a healer. There is no power in me. However, my faith is that if God wills, you can be healed even as you read these pages. I believe some will be healed as they read these experiences which God has done, at His direction, for others. Please give Jesus all the praise always. If He delays your healing, simply trust and be thankful. If it isn't His will to heal you, be faithful and true just the same, maintaining a right spirit in Jesus by God's grace and help. The promise of James 5:14-15 is also fully available to every follower of Jesus: "Is any sick among you? let him call for the elders of the church; let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord: and the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him." Each of you may request elders in your local area to anoint you and pray for your healing. I share this with you because I recognize that many may wish to call me in order that I might pray for their healing. But unless the Holy Spirit leads me, I am unable to pray for anyone. It may be God's will that your pastor pray for you, or the elders near you, or that one of your brothers or sisters in Christ petition Heaven on your behalf. On the other hand, the Holy Spirit may lead someone to ask me to pray for them, and I would not want to miss a single divine appointment. But, if you are certain that God is leading you to contact me, I would ask that you please grant me the liberty of seeking God's guidance concerning your need. It is such a high privilege to pray for God's people, and when the Holy Spirit leads I am lifted and strengthened in my soul. If God is not leading, on the other hand, it demands much more strength to pray, for I am not able to get through to the Throne without the Holy Spirit leading and helping me. I trust that each of you will accept this small request in the spirit of love in which it is given. I need your prayers more that any of you can realize, unless the Lord Jesus reveals it to you by His love and purity.

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