A Voice In the Wilderness
by Dr. Loran W, Helm
All rights reservered    EVANGEL VOICE MISSIONS     Used by permission


  1.  Why Don't Men Obey God?
  2.  My Father
  3.  Narrow Escapes From Death
  4.  My Mother
  5.  My Father's Conversion
  6.  God First Speaks
  7.  Tithing Opens The Way
  8.  Childlike Faith
  9.  A Child's Prayer
10.  Parental Discipline
11.  Conversion
12.  First Obedience
13.  Jesus Reveals My Companion
14.  Sanctification
15.  Our First Pastorate
16.  "Come With Me, Son..."
17.  "...And Perfect Will Of God"
18.  Ordination
19.  Baptized With The Holy Spirit
20.  The Calling
21.  Spiritual Burdens
22.  Leaving All
23.  Waiting On God
24.  Home Built By Faith
25.  Warning From A Watchman
26.  The Beginning

Helm Brothers Sextet, May, 1950 -- nine years after God called Loran to leave all to trust Him entirely. (Left to right: Warren, Loran, Richard, Terrance, Edward, and Edwin.)


             Near the end of the message I declared, "I am going out into 
        the  world  to find the people of God!  I am leaving  all  to  go 
        wherever the Lord leads me.  I am going to find those hearts  who 
        are willing to trust and walk with God!"
             During the last two-thirds of the message I noticed that the 
        pianist,  a  woman  seldom given  to  emotional  expression,  was 
        weeping.   When the benediction was given she came to the  pulpit 
        to  deposit her offering which she had been unable to  give  from 
        her  position  at the piano.  Stopping where I  was  seated,  she 
        stated very simply, "Well--this is it."
             And a shout came right out of my heart!
             The previous September she had told me, "Rev. Helm, you  are 
        not a pastor."
             "Why, Gladys!" I responded, a little amazed.
             "Oh,"  she  went  on, "I know that you  are  pastor  of  the 
        Pleasant  Grove Church, but that is not who you are.  You have  a 
        different calling."
             And on this evening when God spoke through me the words,  "I 
        am  leaving  all to find the people of God!"--Jesus  stood  right 
        behind her and spoke into her right ear, "Gladys, this is what  I 
        have been telling you about this servant."  She related that this 
        revelation  continued  throughout the latter  two-thirds  of  the 
        message.  I don't believe she ever had such an experience  before 
        this nor has she had one since then.  
             A few minutes after she had told me this, I noticed  Charles 
        I.  hugging the shadows of the north wall of the church.  He  was 
        standing with his shoulder against the wall, weeping

with his hand on his chin. When I went over to love him he said, "Well--I guess we will be coming along." We prayed with people for some time that evening at Pleasant Grove Church. The meeting wasn't over until twelve-thirty the next morning, but still the people didn't want to go home. They loved me and I loved them. Oh, how I loved them! God had always given me an unusual love for my flock. While we had pastored in Whitewater, a minister friend from a distance away had said to me, "I never would want my congregation to know what thoughts were in my mind." I was shocked. I replied, "Oh, my Brother, I wish my people could see into my heart. If they could see how I loved them in Jesus, I think they would be moved to weeping. If they could know how I really want to do God's will with all that there is within me, I believe my sanctuary would be full and the church basement crowded as well." The dear ones at Pleasant Grove Church never did draw back from my ministry or question me. Even later, when God was working with me so mightily, not a member or church leader opposed me carnally. Of the seven churches I served, this congregation simply believed the report. They didn't get after me or line me up. If they had questions about how God was leading me, they just prayed about them. And that night, even at twelve-thirty in the morning, they didn't want to leave us. I carried our three daughters out to the car, one at a time, and started for home. We had not travelled far when suddenly, from within the car, I heard music that was not of this earth! "Oh, Honey!" I exclaimed. "I hear heavenly music! It's right here by the rear view mirror! Put your ear over here and see if you can hear it." But though she listened, she was unable to hear it. "Oh, it is wonderful! It's coming from right there!" I told her. I wanted so badly for her to hear it, for she is a musician and her soul responds to music in the Spirit. She would have been deeply moved, I know. It was the first time I had

ever heard such a heavenly melody, because it was the first time I had left everything to go with God. When we arrived home a little before one in the morning, I carried the children inside, helped put them to bed, and began to get ready for sleep. For many years now my wife and I have endeavored to have family worship before retiring. Many things-- in fact, nearly everything--will try to stop family worship, but you will need to do it regularly, either at morning or at night. You will need to worship together for your own strength, because, if you haven't read the Word consistently and prayed regularly, you won't have the strength to resist temptation and the Tempter. The essentials of living an overcoming life in the face of trials and situations are: consistent reading of the Word, prayer, humble witnessing, and obedience to the Holy Spirit through self-denial. Jesus will grant you strength for every encounter as you obey Him in prayer, in the Word, in your testimony, and in yieldedness. I was very much in the Spirit of God as I came from the bedroom into the front room to get my Thompson Chain Reference Bible, which I had laid on the old table my mother had loaned us. Generally I picked it up with both hands, but on this occasion I reached for that Bible with only my left hand. I never dreamed that God was about to give me one of the most wonderful and significant experiences of my entire life. As I reached for that precious Book, the Holy Ghost suddenly took complete charge of my left hand and arm. Moving within that arm in a way He had never done before or since, God opened that large Thompson Chain Bible like it was a little New Testament. More perfectly than I could ever describe, the pages of the Word opened to the Gospel of John. When my eyes fell upon the page, the sixteenth verse of the fifteenth chapter leaped right out, hit me on top of the head, and ran down to my feet. It said: "YE HAVE NOT CHOSEN ME, BUT I HAVE CHOSEN YOU, AND ORDAINED

YE SHOULD GO AND BRING FORTH FRUIT, AND THAT YOUR FRUIT SHOULD REMAIN: THAT WHATSOEVER YE SHALL ASK OF THE FATHER IN MY NAME, HE MAY GIVE IT YOU." My soul began to laugh, to cry, to rejoice. I am unable to tell you what all was happening in my heart, for the glory of God was burning in my soul. The experience which I had enjoyed in the service earlier that evening while under the anointing of Jesus had truly been marvelous; but this sacred event in the seclusion of the parsonage was somewhere higher in another area of hallowed bliss. I was unspeakably, gloriously happy! As I rejoiced I started to travel up and up toward the skyline drive of God's precious Perfect Will. I had right to rejoice, for this was my Service of Ordination. During that previous week I had relinquished the honors of men and the approval of most religious leaders. In order to serve Jesus alone and do only His will, I had forsaken all that the earth had to offer, and this was the night of my ordination from God. You see, my ordination is not of man. My Calling is right from the Throne. I am ordained from Jesus the Christ in Heaven, for He witnessed this to me in power and in the Holy Ghost through the Word: "YE HAVE NOT CHOSEN ME, BUT I HAVE CHOSEN YOU AND ORDAINED YOU..." The moment was so sacred and so holy, I scarcely wanted to move. I knew myself to be utterly unworthy of this experience with God. I sensed that I would never be able to adequately convey what Jesus had done for His glory in those brief seconds. Walking from the front room through the dining room into the bedroom, I sat down on the bed. About the time I reached the bedside, Jesus walked through the door behind me. I was not seeing Him with earthly eyes; it was a spiritual vision. I had never before seen Jesus in a vision, but I knew when He came through the door. "Oh, Jesus!" I said. "You are here!" As He came right up to me, I was privileged to see

His nail-scarred foot. His presence was to be sensed all about. The only words I could say were, "Jesus, You are here--Jesus, You are here," and began to praise and honor Him. While I was adoring Him, that nail-scarred foot began to turn away. I thought He was going to leave me. "Oh, Jesus!" I cried. "Don't leave me!" I am left alone now and forsaken by nearly all men. I don't have many friends in this world. Lord, don't leave me! Please don't forsake me, Jesus!" And in the twinkling of an eye I was on my right knee in a land that I had never been in before. As I faced the southwest I saw a building of unusual design set in a landscape which I cannot describe. Everything was of the Kingdom of God. The hands of Jesus were close to me, and I was just ready to place my uplifted hands upon the Master's shoulders, when I heard His voice. I heard the audible voice of Jesus!--The most beautiful, resonant, glorious voice of the ages! It was such wonderful, wonderful sound, that if you ever hear it, you will want nothing more than to hear it over and over. I heard His spoken voice twenty-two to twenty-four inches from my right ear say, beautifully clear: "I WILL NEVER LEAVE THEE NOR FORSAKE THEE." (And as I share this with you, God operates within me by His gifts and says: "I will lead you and guide you and tell you what to do." I am thrilled that in the midst of sharing with you how Jesus spoke to me years ago in an audible voice, His Holy Spirit speaks within me in an operation of His love and tells me that He will guide, direct, and help me know what to do and say. What could be more marvelous in the earth than this! (A few of you may receive a little thrill or an operation in your heart when you read certain passages of this humble pilgrimage. This is the Holy Spirit witnessing to you that something is of God. This is His way of helping you to know that these aren't simply words, but that whatever is being

shared is truly of Jesus. John Wesley preached more on the witness of the Spirit than he did on many doctrines of the Church. (God witnesses to the body because the body is the temple of the Holy Ghost. As long as our body is yielded to God, the Holy Spirit lives in us from the top of our head to the soles of our feet. When He has full control of the heart, He is able to teach and refine us. But there is much more to be done within us than we can know. Therefore, God continues to refine and purify our hearts; He repeatedly leads and instructs us in humble ways until we are more sensitive to His gentle promptings and holy guidances. (We have only begun! So, be encouraged. Never ask, "Why does this have to be like that?" Or say, "I don't see why God has to work like this." No, no, no. Don't question, analyze, or attempt to fix everything to suit the intellect. Simply look to God, believe Jesus like a small child, and trust the Word. (Above all, don't let anything discourage you. Keep pressing on in faith, in spite of all obstacles, always seeking to express and embrace the love of God. Be content with very little. The less you have, the happier you should try to be, because Jesus promised that the last shall be first in His Kingdom. Never permit yourself to be ruled by feeling or by emotion: go by faith in Jesus. Doing these things, you will begin to experience a day by day walk with Jesus which the choicest vocabulary will be unable to express.) After this heavenly experience in the Kingdom of God, as I was lying on my back in bed with my feet together, the loving hand of Jesus suddenly came to rest against the bottoms of my feet. I said, "Honey, Jesus' hand is on the bottom of my feet!" "It is?" she replied. The moment was so hallowed that I scarcely dared to speak, yet I wanted my companion to know a little of the wonder of God's presence with us. "I feel God here," she whispered.

How could you praise God sufficiently for the holy privilege of having the Master place His hand upon your feet? Praise God! He was getting me ready to walk with Him. Glory be to Jesus! I had been striving to follow Him for about nine years, but now He was preparing me to walk on the heavenly trail of God's Perfect Will. Hallelujah! He was getting me ready to go with God and not with man! The hand of the blessed Son of God, the Stranger of Galilee, rested on the bottom of this unworthy servant's feet for about forty to sixty seconds, then moved. "Now Jesus' hand is on the top of my feet!" I told my wife. It remained there for a time and then passed up to a position slightly above the ankles. Slowly--very slowly--the hand of Jesus moved up my body, lingering for some seconds, then progressing slowly to another area. Each time I could tell where His hand was placed. When His hand reached the area of my heart, I fell asleep. This was my first experience in walking with God after I had forsaken all of the earth to do only Jesus' will.

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