A Voice In the Wilderness
by Dr. Loran W, Helm
All rights reservered    EVANGEL VOICE MISSIONS     Used by permission


  1.  Why Don't Men Obey God?
  2.  My Father
  3.  Narrow Escapes From Death
  4.  My Mother
  5.  My Father's Conversion
  6.  God First Speaks
  7.  Tithing Opens The Way
  8.  Childlike Faith
  9.  A Child's Prayer
10.  Parental Discipline
11.  Conversion
12.  First Obedience
13.  Jesus Reveals My Companion
14.  Sanctification
15.  Our First Pastorate
16.  "Come With Me, Son..."
17.  "...And Perfect Will Of God"
18.  Ordination
19.  Baptized With The Holy Spirit
20.  The Calling
21.  Spiritual Burdens
22.  Leaving All
23.  Waiting On God
24.  Home Built By Faith
25.  Warning From A Watchman
26.  The Beginning

1927--Warren, Terrance, Richard, Edward, Edwin, and Loran. Behind Loran's left shoulder a plaque which appropriately reads: "Lay up for yourselves treasures in Heaven."

          20 THE CALLING

             At the baptism of the Holy Spirit, wave after wave of divine 
        love  came through me.  This love of God was so marvelous that  I 
        am unable to adequately explain it.  It was not worked up, it was 
        a gift of Jesus through the Holy Spirit--the pure love of God  to 
        all men, even to my enemies.
             If  someone  is persecuting you (and all who live  godly  in 
        Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution), your reaction will reveal 
        how  much  love of Jesus you have.  If persons are  telling  lies 
        about you, spreading rumors and tearing you to pieces with  their 
        tongues,  then you find out how sufficient God's love is in  your 
        heart and how His love is flowing through you.
             When  you  are in severe trial and  battle,  be  encouraged.  
        Many things will occur to let us see where we are within, for our 
        reactions  tell more about us than our actions.  And when we  are 
        in great struggle, we learn the real condition of our hearts.  If 
        God did not let us know the weakness of our own natures, then  we 
        would not lean upon Him for all strength.
             We all have our little tests and trials.  It might be  while 
        eating  breakfast  at a fine restaurant:  as you take  the  first 
        bite of scrambled eggs, your teeth come down with a crunch on egg 
        shells.  So you say, "Praise the Lord," put that bite out of your 
        mouth, and try another.  Crunch!--And you discover still more egg 
        shells.   Now  what is your response?  Do you call  the  waitress 
        over,  tell  her  how  terrible  the  egg  shells  are,   declare 
        disappointment with the

food, and make certain remarks about the cook? No--you simply praise the Lord some more. Traveling in evangelistic work, we eat many of our meals in restaurants and homes. On one occasion we were dining in a fairly nice establishment when I ordered a lovely salad. I had taken but a few bites when I discovered hair in my mouth. Before long I found more hair in my mouth. Then my fork lifted a whole wad of woman's hair right out of the middle of my salad. What did I do? Why, by God's grace, I remained calm and undisturbed. It is our reaction which reveals our heart. It is how we react to the little everyday things, when everything seems to go wrong, that tells us about ourselves. Our response shows us how alive Self is, for Self reacts. But if Self is denied, one can be joyous and victorious in Jesus through all experiences. You can say, "Glory! Praise the Lord!" in spite of circumstances. Situations will occur to test us, to try our reactions. We were dining with two ministers and their companions when this precious waitress came from the kitchen with a tray full of food and accidentally tipped it over on me. Meat, vegetables, and sauces tumbled down over the side of my suit coat and onto my trousers. "Praise the Lord," I said. She was extremely distressed and ready to cry. "Don't feel badly," I told her; "it was supposed to happen." While I was down on the floor trying to help clean up the food with towels, the manager came out and remarked, "Say, I would like to hire you." "Oh, I have done this before," I told him. "I cleaned floors when I was a boy. These things happen to test us." I kept telling the waitress, "Don't cry, dear one, this can happen to anyone. Don't feel badly about it." When things are hard, lift everyone around you. The self- denied life is taught this. Don't be grumpy and grouchy, making it difficult for people. Some individuals, you know, can become slightly irritable or harsh. But we are to keep

our hearts filled with joy and victory. We are to praise God in every test and trial. When people are down-hearted and dark, praise God and let your light shine. Remember the song, "Hold out your light ye Heaven bound pilgrims"? Don't attempt to arrange places and events where your light could shine: merely let it shine brightly where you are. Rejoice and claim the victory for Jesus right where you live, in little day-by-day struggles and trials. When everything goes wrong and nothing seems right, God wants us to deny Self and the reaction of the flesh. God wants us to die to that inner compulsion to complain, to retaliate, or to become angry. He wants us to be inwardly crucified. When the bus is not on time, when the train does not arrive, when the plane must circle the airport for an hour, when the car won't start--we are to "Rejoice in the Lord alway, and again I say, rejoice." The factor which decides how we react to these situations is what we are in our hearts, whether Self has been denied or not. If Self is denied, it will be a dying, but this death will bring us to marvelous things. This moment by moment death will lead us to the glorious secrets of the hidden life in Christ. These are but little things, tiny situations which are common to all men; but they can be used to prepare us for greater assignments. These are elementary lessons in the kindergarten of walking with God to prepare us for responsibility in His Kingdom months and years in the future. It will be only by God's grace that we can react rightly. Self, you see, always reacts wrongly. Self will come short of a Christ-like response. We cannot praise God in ourselves. But to the one who has been obedient, God will send grace for the moment and give strength for the hour. We cannot, because we can only fail. But the Holy Spirit will undergird the trusting heart in the test. He will enable you; He will be with you and keep you. Yes, He will! Praise the Lord. In those weeks and months that God was slaying me in the

inner man, I was learning this. All these reactions of Self had to be cleansed out of me before He could fill me with His Spirit. If God had done otherwise, it would have been dangerous. For Him to pour His power into an uncleansed vessel would be like putting high amperage electricity through weak and damaged wires: it could possibly destroy the wires and burn everything around them. But when He baptized me in His Spirit, it was manifested by an overwhelming love from the Father for all men everywhere. I believe that God wanted to send this same love to every heart in that community. And because God was truly trying to work through that village, Satan was raging. Few understood what was happening, but Satan was determined to destroy us and what God wanted to do through us. As I walked through the streets of that village, I would feel as if there were lions wanting to tear me apart. The people of the village were very precious, just as precious as any people on earth, but the devil was raving to make them upset at us. When I stood to preach to my people, there was such love of Jesus flowing through me to them, but I felt as if some of their spirits would tear me apart. A neighboring minister said to me during this time, "If people felt about me like they do about you, I would move out immediately." But I told him, "Oh, Brother--God's men never run from a battle. When the battle begins to rage, God's men rejoice." I was as happy in the midst of this tempestuous struggle as if everyone were for me. Now it takes Jesus to give such happiness and rest when all around you is misunderstanding and discontent. This is far beyond man. It comes from God. Praise the Lord! One person remarked, "I don't know what it is, but I want to go down to that parsonage and throw rotten eggs at it." I was informed by another friend that he feared some people would try to burn us alive in the parsonage. The Lord told me, however, if those dear persons would have started for

our home with this in mind that they would never have gotten there, because God's angels were guarding us. We were unworthy of this; but you see, it was out of man's hands. We were in the hand of God, trusting Him like little children. What had caused this great upheaval? Why was much of hell enraged against a youngster attempting to preach the Gospel? I believe, dear friend, it was because of the Call which God had placed upon this unworthy servant's life. I believe it was due to the claims of the Kingdom of Heaven declared upon me while I lay on my bed for days, when God was slaying me, working with me, and talking with me day and night. To help you better understand what I mean by this, I must share with you an experience in heavenly things which I did not include earlier. I trust you will receive it very prayerfully and with great appreciation, because it belongs wholly to Jesus, to the Kingdom of God. You may recall that prior to this period of inner slaying and dying out to the world, I repeatedly told my wife, "God is calling us to something. I know that there is something that He is calling us to, but I am unable to discern exactly what it is." I knew that souls were being saved and sanctified under our ministry, the Lord working through us; bodies were being healed and dear ones were pressing to obey Jesus; but somehow within me I knew that the pastorate was not where God had called me. We were not striving to find out anything, we were simply trusting Jesus. We were not trying to work out anything, we were just waiting upon God the best we knew how. It was on the evening of the day of the Holy Spirit baptized me that I finally understood the sacred calling which God had placed upon my life. That night I was still very much in the Spirit while in prayer upon my bed. I was looking to Jesus when suddenly I saw a saint of God standing before me in a beautiful light! She was a praying saint. "Jesus!" I

said. "This is the Kingdom of God!" I was so humbled and felt my great unworthiness before God. She vanished, and then there appeared before me a light not like the lights of this world. It was rectangular, approximately four feet long and two to three feet high, like the frame of a picture. Within this border of light I then saw words written in light. To my amazement I read the words: "I WILL LEAD THEE BY THE HOLY GHOST." There was other writing in light as well, but I could not read it. God withheld it. All I could perceive was that God was going to lead me by the Holy Ghost, which was beyond my comprehension. Think how serious this is! I saw in light before me the message from God Himself: "I WILL LEAD THEE BY THE HOLY GHOST." The other writing below was yet none of my business. I do not try to find out what I am not supposed to know. I only trust for whatever He wants to share with me. I am not worthy of even the very least revelation He has to give. It is only His great love and mercy that would ever permit me to know anything again. I am so glad that He taught me at the age of twenty-six not to try to find out anything, not to press to learn divine things, but just to trust Him: simply let Him teach me in His own way and at His own time. When I saw the message, "I will lead thee by the Holy Ghost," I felt like Moses. I cannot explain to you how it was, but through my head, throughout my body, I felt like Moses trying to get the children of Israel out of Egypt--out of the wilderness, out of their wanderings--into Canaan. Somehow God placed me into the life experience of Moses, and I was trying to get the church out of self-assertion into self- denial and obedience; out of the continuous wandering amid forms and programs into a consecrated surrender to Jesus Christ. I didn't know this inner revelation was going to occur, but I felt it throughout all my body. When this experience passed, dear friend, I was at once with Jesus. There was a great light above me, but high above

this was Jesus, the Son of God, the precious Christ of the God of Israel. Suddenly I was standing with the apostles of two thousand years ago, with the inner circle--Peter, James, and John. They had already made the crossing to life eternal and were standing tall and straight, but I had not yet crossed over. Instead, I was pressed down with a heavy load upon my back. I was bent over with the weight of the churches, the load of the world upon my back. I was trying to look up at Jesus, but I could hardly see Him because my load was so great. The responsibility is so great in this world to help people be absolutely true and faithful to Jesus. (After preaching one night in Saint Louis, I noticed that the pastor's wife was weeping. At the close of the service she told me, "Rev. Helm, while you were preaching I saw a big weight upon your back. I saw a load that you were carrying." (I said, to her, "That great weight was upon me the night God declared His call to me--the declaration of God to be His Apostle.") As I stood with the apostles of Jesus, I finally knew what God had called me to at the age of five years when He said, "You belong to me. I will use you in my Kingdom someday." (God witnesses within me now as I share this with you.) I knew then that the Call was sacred beyond all the languages of men to express. When this heavenly vision vanished, the powers of hell surged into that room in torrents of darkness. Demons by the multiplied thousands or millions (and the Holy Spirit tells me "millions") were over my head and calling me things that I cannot share with you. In the next few years these same accusations came through the lips of unbelieving people in various states. But I wanted to be nothing but holy unto God. I desired to be a true man of God. I longed to be pure, without blemish, without spot, without wrinkle. I had to resist the devil with

all my might. "The devil is a liar," I said. "I am going with Jesus Christ!" These demon forces came in upon me with great power and were trying to crush me. It seemed as if they put me in a vise and started to squeeze me to death. "You cannot answer this call," they hurled at me. "It is impossible to answer this holy call." I cried out, "Oh God!--With all my heart I am coming!" Satan began to flood my inner vision with pictures. I saw events which he threatened would take place if I followed Jesus with all my heart. "If you follow God in this sacred calling," Satan told me, "your wife will be taken from you. You will lose your babies. You will lose your parents, your in-laws. All the people will leave you." There is no way to convey the horror and hellishness of this satanic struggle. I said with all my heart: "Good-bye loved ones--good-bye precious wife and children--good-bye Mother and Dad. I am going with you, Jesus. I am coming, God! With all my heart I am coming with you, God!" (Hallelujah! Oh, I feel the power of God operating all through me as I share this with you! I'm not just telling a story. This is of the Kingdom of God. I share this only for the glory of Jesus.) I had to say good-bye to everybody on earth and to everything of earth. Satan told me that I would lose them all, but it has been the reverse. If we go with Jesus, He will give everything we need back to us sweeter than ever. I found it so. Praise the Lord. The battle with the Powers of Darkness lasted for sometime that evening, until God came in wonder to simply drive back the multiplied millions of demons. Since that night, much of hell has been against my ministry. From that moment till this, Satan has attempted to cast suspicion upon my life by spreading rumors and whisperings concerning me, especially among church leaders. False stories about me began to circulate throughout the states, reaching as far as Canada. But by God's grace, I loved everyone just the same, and

still do. The love of Jesus poured through me to all men alike. I loved those who talked about me as much, if not more, than my friends. I was not worthy of this marvelous love of Jesus, but He sent it through me anyway. God is to be praised for this. He is the One we honor. In all that we share, it is only for the glory of God, the honor of Jesus the beloved Son, the praise of the blessed Holy Spirit.

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