A Voice In the Wilderness
by Dr. Loran W, Helm
All rights reservered    EVANGEL VOICE MISSIONS     Used by permission


  1.  Why Don't Men Obey God?
  2.  My Father
  3.  Narrow Escapes From Death
  4.  My Mother
  5.  My Father's Conversion
  6.  God First Speaks
  7.  Tithing Opens The Way
  8.  Childlike Faith
  9.  A Child's Prayer
10.  Parental Discipline
11.  Conversion
12.  First Obedience
13.  Jesus Reveals My Companion
14.  Sanctification
15.  Our First Pastorate
16.  "Come With Me, Son..."
17.  "...And Perfect Will Of God"
18.  Ordination
19.  Baptized With The Holy Spirit
20.  The Calling
21.  Spiritual Burdens
22.  Leaving All
23.  Waiting On God
24.  Home Built By Faith
25.  Warning From A Watchman
26.  The Beginning

             At school the next morning, one of my friends cursed when he 
        learned  that  I had accepted Jesus.  He had  ridden  many,  many 
        miles  with  me  in my father's car, and since I  worked  for  my 
        father, Dad had provided the gasoline for our pleasure rides.   I 
        also had often supplied this young man with refreshments.  But in 
        spite of these past kindnesses, he gave me a real talking to that 
        morning  and  used some strong language in  my  direction:   "You 
        won't last two weeks," he chided.  "That is all--two weeks!"
             But Jesus helped me to deny myself again.  By God's grace, I 
        didn't  retaliate or feel sorry for myself when my friend  cursed 
        and reprimanded me.  The Holy Spirit kept me from becoming  upset 
        and  saying,  "Now  look here, you can't say that  about  me!"  I 
        simply spoke to Jesus in my heart,  "By your grace, Lord, you can 
        take  me  on," and He delivered me.  (And God tells me,  "I  will 
        direct thee and tell thee what to do," as I share this with  you.  
        Praise the Lord!)
             After three weeks I talked to him about Jesus for one to two 
        hours  on  the sidewalk across from the church where I  had  been 
        converted.   Seven  years later, when I told  him  how  wonderful 
        these many months and years had been and how Jesus had helped  me 
        last past the two weeks which he predicted I could last, he said, 
        "You have will-power, that is all."
             "Will-power?"   I exclaimed.  "Brother, it takes  more  than 
        `will-power'  to  live this life.  It takes the divine  power  of 

Seventeen years later, then, at the death of his father, I had opportunity to again talk to him about Jesus. I was trying to share with him how marvelous it had been to try to to walk with God these seventeen years, what wonderful adventures He had given me. He said to me as we sat together that day: "Who knows but what someday you may lead me to Jesus." Isn't it precious that after seventeen years this man who first ridiculed me could begin to see that there was something more to this transformation than the eye could see; that God had done a true miracle within this unworthy servant? This would never have come about if I had failed that first test at school the day after my conversion. If I had begun to argue or strike back when he was upset with me, I would have lost his confidence forever. There never would have been occasion for the exchange of thoughts in three weeks, the discussion after seven years, or the sweet conversation in the seventeenth year. These all hinged upon my response to the first test just hours after my conversion. Now the secret of Jesus helping me through that vindictive attack Monday morning following my conversion was in my hearing the voice of the Holy Spirit the night before, just minutes after getting up from the altar. If the Lord had not helped me to obey that first guidance of Jesus, I would not have had the joy, the glory of God within me, to withstand the fury from my friend a few hours later. My strength to stand was dependent upon my obedience the night before, when God tripled the joy I had at salvation and brought me into a land of such inner delight that I never wanted to miss another leading of the Lord. I have found that very few persons actually obey what the Lord wants them to do. And when we fail to obey the leading of the Holy Spirit, then we lose the precious abiding with God which we so very much cherish. For many, the joy they once knew at conversion seems to vanish for no specific reason. However, all too often this joy is lost through disobedience,

for joy continues to flow into every heart which obeys the Holy Spirit consistently. The Word tells us that "the joy of the Lord is our strength." This indicates that we are only as strong as the joy we have in our daily walk with Jesus. Now joy does not come from within us. Joy is a gift from God as we obey the Holy Spirit. Joy is not on our part: obedience to the leading of the Lord is on our part, and joy is the remuneration. Always the joy of the Lord is as we humble ourselves in obedience through self-denial. God is seeking simply an obedient people. He is trying to find men and women who will do what He wants them to do; but He has had a difficult time finding them down through the ages. There are many who are willing to try to obey the written commandments as found in the scriptures; but this so subtly leads to a legalistic Christianity--a fulfilling of a minimum degree of service or adhering to a certain set of beliefs. God is seeking a people who will not only obey His written Word, but who will also actually walk with Him day by day, moment by moment, listening to and doing what the voice of the Holy Spirit says. The person who hears and heeds this still, small voice will many times experience a river of joy pouring into the interior life, because joy flows from God freely into the obedient heart. As I review this sentence, the Holy Spirit operates more in my heart on "heeding" than on "hearing." This tells me that God has already commanded us many things which we could have heard, but we have not done what He required us to do. We have not "heeded;" thus, our subsequent "hearing" is dull and insensitive. Our "heeding" today assists or sharpens our "hearing" tomorrow. We "hear" as we have "heeded." And "heeding" intimates a following. "Heeding" is applying or carrying out what we have heard, and we never "heed" God's wish without first relinquishing what we are doing or have planned to do. Self- denial precedes "heeding."

It is difficult for the "natural man" to receive spiritual things. It is only as we permit the Holy Spirit to have His way with us--as we deny Self, die out to Self, and are inwardly crucified --that we are made sensitive to spiritual things. As Self is slain, we are then more able, through the Holy Spirit's guidance, to receive revelation that God has for us: revelation to the mind, as well as to the inner heart. Now Self will oppose this spiritual death; the mortal will oppose it. In order that the Holy Spirit can so crucify us, we must resist the devil and deny Self. It will be only by the blood of Jesus purging us and cleansing us that we will be able, through the Holy Spirit, to discern what God is revealing to us. He wants to first slay the inner man so that he can teach us how to discern His will. This comes slowly. It comes by prayer and it comes by waiting and then still more waiting. It comes always by doing all that God wants us to do while we are waiting. The great difficulty is that Self wants to get busy doing something; Self wants to go; Self wants to be planning something. All this is an enemy to hearing God and heeding what the Holy Spirit wants to relate to us. The very core of our nature will resist and rebel against God having His way with us. The earth within us will oppose and resist God who made us and Jesus who died to purchase us. The main parts of our inner make-up war against it. They neither want to comply with the divine will nor come down in humility and brokenness, where this is found. This spirit that is within us, this great power of the earth which is so contrary to what God wants, we acquired in the Fall. It is this power in the earth, in the fabric of the mortal and the flesh, which battles to pull us upward from the lowlands of brokenness and surrender (where the mysteries of God's revelations are learned) to set us in the high places of man's knowledge. For this reason, most people have been trying to acquire insights of divine truth by means of knowledge, books, and the intellect.

Through the ages, however, God has been seeking a people who would simply wait upon Him until He could slay them, refine them, indwell them, and instruct them how His Holy Spirit operates; how He guides and checks. Very few people have been willing to pay the price and wait upon God long enough for Him to reveal Himself. This comes in time: God's time, not our time. Man has always wanted things his way, at his time, and by his methods. It doesn't work this way. It must be the reverse. It must be that we die and are slain so that it will be God's will, God's way, God's time, whether that is a short time or a long time (and I have the revelation that it is "a long time"). Man is impatient. We are all impatient unless we are slain and die out daily. It is our nature to want spiritual growth to be rapid; we covet divine revelations right away. Therefore, we must die out to these impatient tendencies and simply trust for God to help us know how to proceed. Jesus said, "I thank thee, oh Father, Lord of Heaven and earth, that thou has hid these things from the wise and prudent and hast revealed them unto babes. Now the wise and prudent have been trying to theorize and speculate about spiritual secrets. But Jesus has plainly said that the Father reveals unto babes. They are the lowly ones, the ones way down in the low-lands of humility and brokenness, obedience, and yieldedness. Divine guidances do not come for any advantage of our own; they come only for the praise and glory of Jesus. These mysteries of God are not found in books or in reading material. They are revealed little by little to those who are walking with God and waiting upon Him, who are trying in their hearts to be faithful and pressing to obey the Holy Spirit. I want to greatly emphasize that the things of God are not given to those seeking to know how to be led of the Holy Spirit --they are given at God's pleasure to those

who are losing their lives for Jesus, who are loving God for Himself alone. Here is one of the secrets of the universe. God is trying to find people who will give all to Him and just let Him be all to them. If we are willing to lose all because He gave all, lose that He might be all, then He will reveal Himself to us in time. (And God is telling me now, "I guide thee and direct thee and tell thee what to do." Right now!) These spiritual guidances--these wonderful, most delightful things of God--are not given because we are worthy, because we know so much, or because we are seeking. They are given to those who are willing to lose all for Jesus' sake and lose it for life. They are given to those who are not trying to get anything. Most people are trying to get somewhere, to something, for self- advantage. And this, you see, is not the right spirit. We are to come to the end of Self, losing all for Jesus so that He can have full, complete guidance of our lives. We, then, become mere servants: not trying to become somebody, but remaining like children. Unless we become like a little child, Jesus tells us that we are going to miss the Kingdom. Perhaps this is the reason many have missed the Kingdom of God: we have tried to become adults, grown-ups, somebody who knows something. But God's Kingdom is in the lowly. That is where He lives; that is where He walks; that is where He reveals Himself. To some extent, organizations, groups, and personalities have been seeking to advance God's Kingdom. But often, in the back of their minds lurk the questions: "How can we get what we are wanting? How can we obtain this victory? How can we see all these souls saved? How can we see our group benefited? How can we see our church enlarged?" God knows all these hidden motivations and deceptions of the heart, and He is unable to trust His Kingdom work to such self-seeking souls. For this reason, His revelation to my heart in 1942 was,

"I am in search of a people who will trust me with all their hearts--trust me with all their hearts--totally and wholly depend upon me and obey me in everything; a people I can trust to come into their lives with the Kingdom of God." So you see, God reveals Himself to the trusting heart. (And now God says within me, "I will guide thee and direct thee and tell thee what to do.") God has been seeking a people who will simply trust Him since the Garden of Eden experience. He was anticipating that Adam and Eve would trust Him and obey Him; but they chose to procure knowledge and insights of Good and Evil rather than simply rest and rely wholly on God. In gaining knowledge that they desired, they lost and we lost with them: we lost about all; we lost unto death. The only path back to God is Jesus; and the steps back to life in Him are taken through obedience to the Holy Spirit. We have been living too much on the fringes of the land that He has promised us rather than on the center. We have been living on the marginal rather than on the central. Only a few ever really press into the center of God's Kingdom, on into becoming like a child and losing all just for God Himself. The persons are rare who are not seeking something in return for loving and serving God. But God would save millions of people right now if He could find a church that would really trust Him--really trust Him. I am sure that very few people know what real trust, continued trust, is. We often try to work out God's Kingdom a little bit ourselves. This is not trusting: it is our own manipulation, our own programming, our own desires in process. It is our own ideas in progress and we want them to live. But our ideas don't mean a snap of the fingers unless God is in them and leading them. We are trying to have church with our own insights, our own descriptions, our own programs, our own methods. But God wants the leadership. He wants to guide us in every detail of our endeavors. We must wait before Him that He

might teach us how to be led. We must first learn to trust and die out to our own desires so that He can bring us to the place where we can discern His will in the Word and in the Spirit. He has given us the outlines and descriptions of the true Christian walk in the Gospel, but we are not following all the tiny, intricate lines. They are so simple, but we pass over them. Church work too often can be a performance rather than actual heeding and following. We try to lead persons to Jesus, and this is good: but unless we have been heeding and following ourselves, people are saved and become copies of us. If we are not dying out, rejoicing, holy and pure in heart, our influence causes new converts to become performers. It is wonderful to lead persons to a knowledge of salvation, but too often they are converted to the church, to the denomination, or to the local fellowship and its particular religious styles rather than to the Lord Jesus Christ. What we need to be saved TO is Jesus so that people will wait on God until He can actually guide them and direct them. This has been one of the missing links in Christianity. Men have tried to implement the plans of God by means of their own programs and ideas. All meant well; all wanted to do well; but few in all the ages have waited and died out sufficiently for God to really teach them His will. He teaches best those who are lowest in brokenness and humility. Until we come to the absolute admission that we are nothing and capable only of failure, we will seek to achieve, to become knowledgeable, to become recognized. We think learning, training, philosophies, and theologies are going to help us. Too easily, instead of bringing us closer to Jesus, these interfere with divine communication. They become the static of Self, the earth, and man's knowledge. Unless the Holy Ghost leads you to these areas, they only deflect God's revelations; they only obstruct your view of His plans; they only dull your sensitivity to His operations. I cannot adequately express how lowly we must become

before spiritual revelation can enter the inner life. This is a mystery. It is supernatural. The simple, lowly life in Christ is opposed by people who don't understand. This is not to be understood. It is to be practiced, followed, and experienced. This is faith--a living faith. We cannot have faith other than in the areas of the interior life. The more faith a person has, the more willing he is to lose all. He has confidence that in losing all, he will gain Jesus. God is seeking a people who will trust Him; who are willing, through self-denial deep in the interior life, to come by faith to the loss of all things. Too often we want to instigate a little, suggest a little, insert a portion of what we want. This is self- assertiveness, and because of it, we as individuals and as people have rarely come to the place where God can guide us. Here is one reason we have come so far short of the will of God. We have missed so much of the marvelous privilege and potential God would work through us because we have been unwilling to yield all, to lose all, absolutely: not only in word or thought, but in actuality through continued trust and obedience. These precious mysteries of God's Kingdom which I have just shared with you are only a little of what God wants us to experience of the word "heed." As I inquire of the Holy Spirit, He tells me in my heart that this is merely a little of our heeding His word. During this revival, a number of young people were converted and formed a very active Gospel Band. This group of young people went to various churches to lead in special services. Either a young lady or I would bring the message. I believe, to Jesus' glory, I saw a number of souls find Jesus my first year as a Christian. Only a few weeks after I had been saved, I was preaching in my home church when I felt impressed to turn around and also direct my comments to those young people who were seated in the choir loft behind me. I was looking into the face

of each one as I preached. When I came down the second section of seats to my left, I found myself looking into the eyes of Florence Spence, the daughter of Ora and Grace Spence. Her blue eyes were looking straight into mine. The instant our eyes met, an operation of the Holy Spirit moved in my heart like a light. (And this light is in my heart now. It is right inside of me! Praise the Lord!) In much less time than it takes to tell it, Jesus revealed within me, "HERE IS YOUR COMPANION." By some marvel of God's help, the sermon was never interrupted. Even though the Holy Spirit had never dealt with me as He did at that point, Jesus helped me to continue preaching as if nothing had happened. I was so greatly amazed because I had never said so much as "How do you do, how are you?" to Florence Spence in over ten years. She was already a graduate of Ball State, with an equivalent of a Master's degree in Music and Art. I was a young man still in high school. I felt so unworthy of her. But when God revealed to my heart by the Holy Ghost that she was to be my companion, I simply believed Him. I marvel that a young man of seventeen, who had never been taught about the operations of the Holy Spirit in the body, could somehow know that God was speaking, and understand what He was saying. No one taught me how God speaks to the heart. I never heard anyone mention much about the workings of the Holy Spirit within the heart and throughout the body. I believe that the secret of my being able to understand was that the Holy Ghost had fallen on me at birth. God had a plan for my life, and Florence Spence was a part of that sacred plan. At each interval along the way, at each crisis of my life, He has revealed what I need to know by the Holy Ghost. One incident which demonstrates this abiding care occurred when we were with Homer and Rebecca Pumphrey. Homer and I were planning to go for prayer, but decided to have supper first. We started for the kitchen to prepare the evening meal,

but as I came through the kitchen door a burden came over me. I said to him, "God is burdening me. I will not be able to eat." For many years God would occasionally burden me as I sat down to a meal. I thought He was telling me not to eat. It took some years of instruction before I recognized that He was often trying to reveal to me about some person or situation related to the food on my plate. He might be speaking to me about the man who owned the beef, the one who grew the carrots, an individual who helped process the catsup, the person who delivered the bread to the store. Our Heavenly Father knows all things about each person in every place on the earth. If it is His will, He can reveal any particular need to those servants attuned to His voice. I fasted many times when God was trying to send me little S.O.S. messages about the needs of those in some way connected to my food. He was telling me of needs in their bodies, struggles in their lives. Sometimes persons had been called to the ministry or the mission field, and God wanted me to pray for them to hear the sacred call upon their lives. It took me years to discern what all God was telling me, and I am still learning. We have been privileged now to teach some of our brothers and sisters in Jesus a few of the very sacred and precious workings of the Holy Spirit. These are holy secrets and mysteries of the Kingdom which we have learned after years of waiting upon God; years of crying out in prayer, of doing God's will and pressing to be true in order that the Lord could teach me how the Holy Spirit operates within the temple of our bodies. I am only in the kindergarten learning my ABC's. After about an hour the food was prepared and on the table. We had grace, and Rev. Pumphrey picked up the salmon platter to take off two small patties. Just as he slid them off the platter onto his plate, the Holy Ghost started right in my heart, came up my throat, and spoke through

me, "Poison!--That is poison! Don't eat it!" I warned. I got up from the table, rushed to the cabinet, and picked up the can which had contained the salmon. "Look at this can!" I said. They examined it, and discovered it to be partly corroded inside. That is what God was revealing to me when I came through the kitchen door, but I didn't know what He was telling me until He spoke through me the revelation. This knowledge came to me by the Holy Spirit in a similar manner as on that day years before when He revealed to my heart, "Here is your companion." I will never know another thing, unless the Holy Spirit is so precious to reveal it to me. I won't be able to perceive it, except God see fit through Jesus to reveal it. Now if I am faithful, by God's grace, and give Him all the glory and all the praise; if I keep broken like a child, do everything He reveals for me to do, and keep happy about it--am appreciative and don't run out of thanksgiving--then He can give something else, if it is His will. But it all must come from Jesus for God's praise and honor. And that night, while turning to preach to the young people, I knew that I had found my companion for life. I felt very unworthy that He would choose my companion for me. Only He would know the mate which the years ahead would demand. We have been together over thirty-nine years now, but it seems like only a little while, because of Jesus. No one will ever know how precious my wife has been to me. Our first time together was on April 14, 1933. That prayer meeting night we had a heavy April shower. Since ours was the only car at church that evening, all the young people piled into it. I still wonder how so many got into the car, but young people can really stack into a place if they want to. I decided that this would be a good night to be alone with Florence Spence. Although God had shown me the last of February that she was to be my companion, I hadn't had the

courage to ask her for a date. That night I said to myself, "I will arrange it so that she will be the last one taken home." After delivering all the young people to their homes, including my own brother, Richard, I was finally left alone for the first time with the girl who was to become my wife. She was the last girl I ever dated. After Florence and I had gone together about six weeks, we were returning one night from church, driving very slowly down the street about six to seven hundred feet north of her parents' home. Suddenly a ray of light from Heaven fell into my heart. I saw another ray of light fall into her heart, and these two lights leaped together like static electricity. Through a miracle of God, we were joined together by the Holy Spirit. Young people, it is so urgent that you find, through waiting on God and prayer, the companion which God has selected for you. Recently the Holy Spirit has revealed to my heart that eighty- seven percent of all marriages in the United States are out of divine order. They have not been led and arranged by the Holy Spirit. The couples have married because of a physical attraction, personality similarities, or particular interests. Sometimes a boy has pressured a girl to marry, or vice versa. Anyone who pressures another into marriage is bringing that person to a life of darkness near the edge of despair. Every major life choice--such as a companion or a vocation-- which is not made by the Spirit, will continue to produce consequences for the remainder of that person's life. (Often these choices are made between the ages of twelve and twenty.) Even if one is converted after these major decisions have been made, though Jesus will freely forgive all past sin and error, one will still grapple with the results and suffer within the confines of these choices which God was not permitted to make for him. There is no way to adequately convey the seriousness of waiting on God's specific guidance

concerning our vocation, our companion, our place of dwelling, and our choice of a school or a college. This is why so many homes are unhappy, without romance, in constant upheaval. Most of us are so in the flesh when it comes to the opposite sex. We have certain ideas about the companion we wish, and we set out to get what we want. But God knows exactly who we are, what we will be in ten or twenty years, and precisely where He wants us in His Kingdom. We are absolutely incapable of making an intelligent choice of our companion by ourselves because we cannot see where God is going to want us in the years ahead. The choice we would make of a companion, no matter how ideal and perfect it might appear at the moment, will not stand the tests of time and circumstances. Only God can have the knowledge and wisdom for such a choice. Now Satan will tell you all kinds of things to make you anxious and fearful. He will likewise try to get you attracted to many persons along the way to keep you from meeting the one God has chosen for you. That is why it is so important that the Holy Spirit be given the freedom to choose your vocation and where you are to attend college (if you go). It could be that unless you follow God's leading from the very beginning, you will be late in finding your chosen mate, or you may never get there. But if we start at the moment of conversion and simply seek to deny what we want and follow every leading of the Holy Spirit, He will lead us in time to everything that we need in order to be used as He sees fit in the Kingdom. Sometimes we must wait a long time; sometimes a very short time. It was a surprise and a delight when Jesus revealed to my heart that our youngest daughter and son-in-law were to be married in less than a month. We didn't work this out in our own understanding. The Holy Ghost revealed it. I urge every unmarried person reading this book: be absolutely certain of God's guidance before you marry. It would be much better to never marry than to go into a union

which isn't led of God. One could never tell you the sorrow and anguish you will have if you marry out of divine order. Neither are there words to tell the wonder of a marriage led of God. God was also letting Florence know a little that He had brought us together someway in His Spirit. I learned later that even before I knew she was to be my companion, if she were in the church facing the pulpit and I would come through the vestibule doors at the back, she sensed my presence when I entered the sanctuary. This is a miracle of Jesus. This doesn't always happen. I believe this occured because God had called me for a specific purpose into this world. I needed a wife who could wait for hours in a car without being upset, while God had me sharing with dear ones about the Kingdom. One who would bear with me when I failed to get home on time for dinner and her meals became cold, because my schedule was at God's bidding. I needed a wife who would understand that the things of earth were secondary always. When meals, family, and home are upset, most wives rather want to talk about it and let it be known that they don't particularly appreciate it. I had to have a companion who would say "yes" to the will of God; a wife willing to die out to her hopes and her wishes. It took this supernatural union because of the seriousness of God's call upon our lives and also because of the difference in our background and education. God had been working to keep her in the Parker area, even though it was not easy on her at the time. Her excellent achievements musically had made her a favorite of Mr. Palmer, the professor of music where Florence had earned her degree. He often took her to play for the Lions Club, the Rotary Club, and other organizations. She didn't ask to do it, but of all the pianists at Ball State, she was chosen. She had excellent recommendations for a good teaching position that previous fall, and a few people were wanting

to help her; but God closed the doors. As a result of her not finding a teaching position, Florence was very, very restless. No doubt, she was also disappointed, for she wanted to teach. She was excellently qualified to instruct, but God had another appointment for her instead. I would have missed her if God had not closed the doors on her teaching opportunities. If you remain true and faithful to God, He will be working out the important concerns in your life. He will arrange them in His own way, if you will wait upon Him, praise Him, and honor Him from your heart as well as from your lips. It might not be the easiest on you, but it will be the best for you. Once I became acquainted with the one God had chosen for me, I didn't want to go home at night. I didn't want to leave her, because I had a treasure there. When you have a treasure, you want to be near it. When God joins you with a companion, you are simply not happy without her, for He brings you especially close together. The more you obey, the closer you become, because you understand one another better. You learn when to keep quiet and when to speak. Sometimes we don't learn for a long while, but God helps by teaching us what to say and what not to say so that we won't make our companion appear small in the eyes of others. He teaches us to be careful of what we do and how we live, so that we won't hurt or hinder the ones we love, but rather help and encourage them along the journey. Florence and I began to anticipate marriage. One night we were in the car outside her parents' home, right in front of the old maple tree. She was talking to me about one of her married girlfriends who already had a little home with furnishings. While she was talking I was praying in my heart. I was crying out to Jesus, for I had only a very few dollars in my pocket, and there was my education yet to pursue. Suddenly, as I was silently crying out to Jesus, He revealed

to me a home which He would someday build for us. I saw our home as a light in my heart, far off in the future. I could never begin to tell you exactly how it was, but it was vivid within my heart. "Oh, Honey!" I said. "I can see our home as a light. I can see that if we go where God sends me, take His message, embrace the cross, be obedient and win men and women, boys and girls to Jesus, He is going to provide a home which will be a testimony that God provides for His servants of today as He did for the prophets of old. I see that you have lovely furniture, too." One can never capture the splendor, the wonder, the excitement of a revelation which comes from God. It is usually so very simple and direct in content; yet it is always such a surprise. To hear directly from Heaven is a privilege beyond the words of earth to describe. Because of my limitations, I am not able to convey the specific excellence of this moment in our lives together. It was a very precious revelation to me. We held to that promise through many dark and difficult years, the promise which came unexpectedly and quietly in my heart as my wife spoke about her friend's home. Approximately nineteen years and eight months later, that home became a reality.

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