A Voice In the Wilderness
by Dr. Loran W, Helm
All rights reservered    EVANGEL VOICE MISSIONS     Used by permission


  1.  Why Don't Men Obey God?
  2.  My Father
  3.  Narrow Escapes From Death
  4.  My Mother
  5.  My Father's Conversion
  6.  God First Speaks
  7.  Tithing Opens The Way
  8.  Childlike Faith
  9.  A Child's Prayer
10.  Parental Discipline
11.  Conversion
12.  First Obedience
13.  Jesus Reveals My Companion
14.  Sanctification
15.  Our First Pastorate
16.  "Come With Me, Son..."
17.  "...And Perfect Will Of God"
18.  Ordination
19.  Baptized With The Holy Spirit
20.  The Calling
21.  Spiritual Burdens
22.  Leaving All
23.  Waiting On God
24.  Home Built By Faith
25.  Warning From A Watchman
26.  The Beginning
          17 "... AND PERFECT WILL OF GOD."


             That is all I said:  "I have come home to go with God."  But 
        that is saying a great deal.
             You see, I am not sharing this pilgrimage simply to  compile 
        a book.  I'm declaring what God has done.  He is the One who  has 
        accomplished  it.   I am striving only to exalt  Jesus,  to  make 
        known  what He has done for His Kingdom's work.  The Holy  Spirit 
        is  the  One  who has led this trusting  life  and  directed  its 
        activities.  So I honor Him for all these things.
             I  attempted  to  sleep  the remainder  of  the  night;  but 
        instead,  I  rolled and tossed on the banks of  accusation.   The 
        devil  was still flooding my thoughts with questions:  "Now  what 
        are  you going to do?  What will the elders say?  What will  your 
        father  and mother say?  You have broken their hearts.  You  have 
        shattered their lifelong dreams."
             This  was indeed true.  I had disappointed my  parents  more 
        than  anyone  could know.  They had hoped that  I  would  someday 
        become  the  well known and highly respected pastor  of  a  large 
        urban church.  I had been told by dear ones that I was one of the 
        young  ministers  who showed promise of a good  future.   Now  it 
        appeared  as  if  I  was turning my  back  on  everything.   Many 
        probably  wondered  how  I could ever expect to  advance  in  the 
        church unless I was well educated; and by leaving seminary, I was 
        throwing away the key to a successful ministry in the church.   I 
        had broken the hearts of many of my loved ones and close friends, 
        who had been expecting great things of me.  Very few understood.
             But my wife was not surprised.  She had known that God

was going to do something. Isn't it wonderful that the same Light which told me that she was mine, also let her know about me and some areas I was passing through? It seems that God sometimes informs her about situations before I am able to tell her or need to tell her. Praise the Lord. I am so glad she didn't say, "Now look here--you get back to school. You straighten up and get hold of yourself! We have to have a pastorate! Don't go off on some tangent now!" Often people will try to straighten you out. If I had not had the companion God knew that I needed, she might have been tempted to "bring me back to my senses," set me back in the order of earth, and put me on the next train back to Chicago. Most women, I believe, would have wanted to have a few explanations, at least. But my precious wife realized that there was a Higher Power than man doing this. A Higher Authority than earth was involved in this. (Hallelujah! I feel the power of God when I tell you "a Higher Authority than earth was in this," Glory to God! The Holy Spirit tells me now that this was true! It is wonderful to have God tell you with power that He was the One directing you when everything seemed dark. It is something to get happy about, believe me!) When I awoke the next day, I went to see my District Elder. I told him that I had stopped my seminary training. Thinking I had either become discouraged with school or planned to drop the ministry, he said, "Son, you have a promising ministry in our church. Just go over to this other seminary and finish your education." Of course, I had no desire to leave the church or to stop working in the church. I loved every church then, and I love them more now. I love every church of Jesus everywhere. And yet, some people say that I am out to divide churches. They tell that I am out to take over churches. It is difficult for me to believe anyone would ever think such a thing, for all I want to do is walk with God, to seek and do His will. I am simply striving with all my might to help all people love

Jesus and their fellow man. I have so little of Jesus, I know. I need so much more of His love. I cry out daily to be filled more with the sacred Holy Spirit. The elder inquired, "What are you going to do?" I answered, "My Brother, God is calling me. He is calling me to trust Him." "What?" he replied. "God is calling me to trust Him," I repeated. "I don't know what you mean," he said. "Well, He has called me to trust Him," I told him again. His demeanor at once became deeply serious. Solemnly he cautioned me, "Now I will tell you, Son--you may get along alright someway if you go into this kind of life. You may make it fairly well until you are forty-five. But if you don't obtain more advanced training, achieve more knowledge and wisdom--by the time you are forty-five your ministry will start down." "Well," I answered him, "God is calling me to trust Him. That is all I know: only trust Him and do His will." I knew that unless God were leading, I would never make it to the age of forty-five. I am unable to explain what it was like within my soul during this time. Nothing but naked faith supported my decision to live my life in absolute trust in Jesus. There was no flow of emotion to sustain me or carry me through. Within and around my spirit there was a darkness that I am unable to describe; but, oh --what peace was in my soul. I was happy in Jesus, although I was alone in the earth as I had never experienced aloneness. I was in a midnight walk of the soul all that week, from Monday night through to the following Sunday night. That evening the church was nearly filled, for God had been doing miracles in this pastorate. Twelve to fifteen men from these churches truly loved us. That evening, this chorus of men was to sing, after which I was to preach. Since 1933 I had preached by outline, and as I went into the pulpit that

night, I sensed so deeply my inability to present a sermon. I felt that I knew no more how to declare God's Word than a four or five-year-old boy. All too soon the men finished singing. I rose and started for the pulpit, not knowing what to do or what words to speak. I started to say, "Oh, Father in Heaven...," when, suddenly I was on the hand of God going up like an elevator! The darkness of that preceding week blew away like a cloud and I was in sunrise! God was taking me far up somewhere in His love and revelation. He said, "My Son, you will preach tonight on: `I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect will of God.'" It seemed that my life was a funnel: my mouth was the tiny spout of this funnel and God was pouring His revelation through me in such a quantity that I couldn't talk fast enough to get it all out. He was pouring so much of Himself into my life that I couldn't contain it, and it was flowing over the sides. I was so thrilled with Jesus that I was all over the platform. The glory of God was evident everywhere in that sanctuary as I was preaching about going with God, doing God's will. I was trying to tell them how God is so sweetly beseeching us by His mercies every day to do only His will. I was striving to share with them the imperative of presenting ourselves holy unto God. Jesus was preaching through me that we must be totally His, a complete sacrifice; that we must be pure and undefiled; that this is our only reasonable service. As He had never done before, God was moving me from one side of the pulpit to the other, trying to get across His message that we must prove what is His good and acceptable and perfect will. That's where God was taking me in His call to trust Him

absolutely. That night I started toward God's perfect will. My people had never before seen the anointing of God upon me like that. Jesus was preaching through me that we in the church are living a thousand miles below where God wants us to live. "There are too many missing links!" I cried. "We are coming far short of the will of God! God wants to work in us. He wants to have His way with us!" People were at the altar. They were weeping and Heaven was all around. I had never preached like that in my life. I had never been in such a light like that. It was the first time I had forsaken all the peoples of the age to go with God, and He was working through me. Glory! Oh, the light was wonderful! The darkness was gone and I wasn't alone. For days I had simply believed and gone by faith. God somehow helped me not to look at the darkness or the hardships, but to look only to Him. (Now this what you want to do all the time. Don't place your attention on any difficulties at any time. Look only to Jesus through every circumstance. Keep your eyes fixed upon Him constantly. Maintain praise and adoration in your heart even when you don't feel like it, when it is not easy to praise. We will never be able to work out a single situation ourselves anyway. Leave the working-out to God and simply keep your eyes on Jesus, who is the Answer to every need and every problem.) My people were weeping, and I was trying to tell them that God wants us to be faithful and true. He doesn't want us hot and then cold, up and then down. He wants us to be consistent, alive, radiant, rejoicing--through every situation which we experience. He wants us to be overcomers. I had discovered few Christians who had this victorious overcoming experience. I didn't know the missing links in Christianity then; but God has let me discover one or two of them over the years. I learned that the the missing link which connects us to a continuous life as an overcoming Christian is self-denial. We must learn to deny Self in a heart of trust;

for then we move, through the leadership of the Holy Spirit, to obedience and the cross. We in the church can sing, preach, pray, read scripture, go along with the religious program, and never once deny Self. Often, instead of depending on God to guide us, we plan a little of what we want to do, sing the songs we like to hear, and preach when we want the preaching to take place. We pretty much arrange activities which suit our taste and conform to our schedule. But, you see, God wants all of the church's activities at His direction. He wants to be all of the content of our program. Christ must have everything. We must wait on Him until He sends, until He guides, until He reveals. We must wait on Him so that He can lead the church, lead the body, and become the true Head of his believing followers. According to the scriptures, Jesus must be the Head of the Church. If He isn't the Head of the body, it will be because He is not leading. And when He is not leading, the body becomes a headless body--a social organism incapable of sustaining life. Like a chicken with its head cut off, it thrashes around meaninglessly in all directions and is unattractive to the world. God has shown me that any congregation severs itself from Jesus, the true Head, simply by working out a religious program which is not led by the witness of the Holy Spirit--even when that program appears feasible, beneficial, and helpful to both that church and the community. This congregation may consist of apparently beautiful, religious people. They may have excellent orthodoxy; they may preach conversion by the blood of Jesus; they might have the finest Christian ethics; they may be well-informed and well-trained; but, as yet, they simply have not waited on God to be inwardly crucified and learn the leading of the Holy Spirit. Many in the constituency of the churches today have a fair knowledge of fundamental Christianity, and feel comfortable within the order of Sunday morning worship. But I fear that

there are not many who have pressed from conversion on into a consistent experience of self-denial, willing to rely on God with all their hearts, and striving to follow each leading of the Holy Spirit. In fact, in all of my travels, I have met very few who have waited on God sufficiently that they are able to discern the Holy Spirit's guidance. In the last few years, Jesus has begun to teach me that He has a plan for every occasion in which His children meet to have fellowship and worship. It is absolutely essential that we get quiet long enough to discern that plan. Once we are able to understand what He wishes and obey Him, then Jesus truly becomes the Guide, or the Head, of that group of believers. The Body of Christ begins to take on divine life when He is actually directing the movements of His followers. When He leads, it is like Heaven. When He guides, God's Kingdom comes to earth. But if we as a congregation are not receiving His directions and doing what He says, then it is not God's Kingdom operating within the church structure--it is our own kingdom. The little kingdoms of religious activities, which we often construct because we don't know what else to do, have no divine power. As sincere as our efforts may be, our instigations are born of the earth, not of Heaven. A multitude of sincere seekers will involve themselves in these church activities thinking they are serving God, when actually they are serving a man-made institution. A few dear ones may even be genuinely converted through our program; but, unfortunately, most grow lukewarm and cold within a short time, because they had no example of waiting on God, of denying self, of obeying Jesus. If they remain, they often become followers of the mores and styles of the human-dictated kingdom, and are detoured from the true walk with God. Do you see how tragic it is going to be for us in the church if we have not permitted Jesus to be the actual Head of our congregation? If we in the church have been working out

programs and services as we want them and think they should be, instead of as Jesus desires, do you see what terrible judgment will fall upon us? It is not an easy assignment for me to cry out like this to the professed Church. But unless I make known what the Holy Spirit has revealed to me, I will be held accountable. It is very serious to call ourselves "the Church" if we are not striving with all our energies to deny Self and obey the leadings of the Holy Spirit. Unless Jesus is literally directing the activities of any congregation just like the brain in our head controls our own human body, then that group of persons--as precious as they are--becomes a headless body. Are you gaining a little glimpse of how serious it is to be in the church? Dear ones, we must be for Jesus with all our hearts. If He hasn't been absolutely first in everything we have sought or done, we will come short of His will. Jesus said, "Not everyone that saith Lord, Lord, shall enter the Kingdom of heaven: but He that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven." It is doing God's will absolutely in Christ that matters! And we are to wait on Him until He makes His will clear to us. We are not to work out anything or work up anything, but let Him work through us as He chooses. The secret of God being able to work through His people in power is simply this: CEASE TO WORK IT OUT OURSELVES, AND LET HIM WORK THROUGH US. (Beloved, if you can digest this and get it into the muscle and bone of your inner man, it will be worth more than the cost of all books ever sold; because it will introduce you to the mystery of God's will being done in earth as it is in Heaven.) Now the Powers of the Air will not want you to get hold of this in your heart. They will minimize the depth of holy truth in this little phrase. Many will say to themselves, "My, isn't that interesting?" and then read on, looking for something a bit more exciting.

But God wants this feeble servant's life shared just for this purpose: that God's people might begin to learn this divine secret. We are to cease trying to do God's work, and let Him simply work through us His Kingdom. Several of you may already be asking, "But how do I let God work through me?" First we must truly repent of all of our sins. We must ask Jesus to forgive us and save us. We must be converted and become like a child. We then begin to let God work through us by waiting upon Him. Set aside a time each day, preferably before you begin your day's activities, to be alone with God. It may be fifteen minutes in duration; it could be one hour or more. Simply talk to God from your heart. Tell Him how you love Him. Read some scripture and meditate on it. Especially be attentive to the promptings of the Holy Spirit while you are waiting and listening. As we begin to learn to wait upon Him, He will start to slay us, refine us, and bring us into His likeness. He will begin to remove the short circuits, the briars, and the stickers which are hidden in our natures and our personalities: these harmful things which ruin more seed than we could ever plant. As we trust Him, He will teach us to rest in Him, to rely upon Him, to really believe His Word. We will learn to love Him more deeply and praise Him more frequently. Occasionally He will send us on an errand: perhaps we are to speak to a neighbor about how wonderful Jesus is. We aren't to argue or tell him that he is going to hell. We are simply to tell him how precious Jesus has been to us. Sometimes Jesus will ask us to stand in church and witness for Him. He may show us that we need to ask forgiveness of some person for our wrong attitudes. As we are waiting, He will be showing us the simple steps of obedience and how to walk with Him. You see, one doesn't learn to walk with God overnight. I wouldn't dream of learning the Hebrew language in one day,

in two weeks, or even in three months. This is a walk with God, and it is the highest privilege in the world. There is much to know, and there are many lessons to learn. One of the first lessons God will teach us as we wait before Him is that we can do absolutely nothing good in ourselves. He will begin to show us that, until He leads, we can only do damage by our own attempts. It may look as if much is being lost and that something must be done, but simply continue trusting until He gives you guidance. He can do more in seconds than men can do in centuries; and when He does it, it is done fully, beautifully, and lastingly. Before we wait too many hours in the secret of our own prayer closet, He will teach us that His ways are not our ways. While we are anxious to get things going, we will discover that God moves very slowly; yet, He moves swiftly when the time is right. We will begin to observe that God has no set patterns, but that He works in infinite variety. We would like to set a scheme to things. But He will go to great lengths to demonstrate to us that He is above our plans and our arrangements. He will work out the situations which face us in ways that will constantly amaze and delight us. These are only a few of the lessons we may learn as we press daily to seek God's face. He will not come short of His promises toward us if we truly are striving to love Him more than we desire to do anything else on this earth. God revealed to me some years ago that He will send a mighty World Wide Revival that is truly of the Holy Ghost, once He can find a body of believers who will truly begin to wait upon Him and put Him absolutely first above everything of earth. This Revival, which I have been anticipating now for over thirty years, will not come by fanaticism, by seeking gifts and manifestations, or by striving to gain power with God. It will be given by the Holy Spirit in God's time as we seek only His will and His love in Jesus Christ. This mighty

work of righteousness to come is His, not ours. We are only the sheep of His pasture. God wants to give us His Kingdom. The secret is: Cease from arranging our lives and permit Him to operate through us as He wishes: in a simple life of trust and obedience; in a consistent, continual denial of self-desires without variation or vacation.

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